Quality of service (QoS) planning advisor


The goal of this advisor is to assist you in planning for quality of service in your network. You are asked to examine your network problem areas, applications, and equipment to determine what policies you might want to implement. This advisor does not actually create the policies for you, but produces a planning worksheet to use in the quality of service wizards.

The advisor asks you to consider these questions:

  1. Which users are experiencing problems in the network?
  2. What clients are generating excessive network traffic?
  3. What applications need limited performance, expanded performance, or predictable delivery?
  4. What bandwidth characteristics and usage do your applications require?
  5. Do you have the hardware and software to implement quality of service in your network?

At the end of this advisor, you will receive a planning worksheet to keep for your records. You can use the worksheet as a reference, while creating policies through the quality of service wizards.