i5/OS PASE commands

Most i5/OS PASE commands support the same options and provide the same behavior as AIX commands, except in these areas:

In addition to the i5/OS PASE commands listed below, each i5/OS PASE shell supports a number of built-in commands (such as cd, exec, if, etc.). See AIX documentation for information about the built-in commands supported by each i5/OS PASE shell and for detailed information about most of these i5/OS PASE commands:


admin Create and control Source Code Control System (SCCS) files
aixterm Initialize an Enhanced X Window SystemR terminal emulator
alias Define or display aliases
appletviewer Run the QShell appletviewer command, to run Java applets without a web browser
apply Apply a command to a set of parameters
Start of changeapt Run the QShell apt command, the Java annotation processing toolEnd of change
ar Maintain the indexed libraries used by the linkage editor
as Run the assembler
attr Run the QShell attr command to display or change Integrated File System object attributes
awk Find lines in files matching patterns and then perform specified actions on them
banner Write ASCII character strings in large letters to standard output
basename Return the base filename of a string parameter
bc Provide an interpreter for arbitrary-precision arithmetic language
bdiff Use the diff command to find differences in very large files
bfs Scan files
bg Run a job in the background
bsh Invoke the Bourne shell
cat Concatenate or display files
cd Change the current directory
cdc Change the comments in a SCCS delta
chgrp Change the group ownership of a file or directory
chmod Change permission modes
chown Change the user associated with a file
chroot Change the root directory of a command
cksum Display the checksum and byte count of a file
clear Clear the terminal screen
clrtmp Run the QShell clrtmp command to clear directory /tmp
cmp Compare two files
colrm Extract columns from a file
comb Combine SCCS deltas
comm Select or reject lines common to two sorted files
command Execute a simple command
compress Compress data
cp Copy files
cpio Copy files into and out of archive storage and directories
csh Invoke the C shell
csplit Split files by context
cut Write out selected bytes, characters, or fields from each line of a file
date Display or set the date or time
dbx Provide an environment to debug and run i5/OS PASE programs
dc Provide an interactive desk calculator for arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic
dd Convert and copy a file
df Reports information about space on file systems
diff Compare text files
diff3 Compare three files
dircmp Compare two directories and the contents of their common files
dirname Write to standard output all but the last part of a specified path
dspcat Display all or part of a message catalog
dspmsg Display a selected message from a message catalog
du Summarize disk usage
dump Dump selected parts of an object file
echo Write character strings to standard output
ed Edit text by line
edit Provide a simple line editor for the new user
egrep Search a file for a pattern
env Display the current environment or set the environment for the execution of a command
ex Edit lines interactively, with a screen display
execerror Write error messages to standard error
expand Write to standard output with tabs changed to spaces
expr Evaluate arguments as expressions
extcheck Run the QShell extcheck command, to detect Java archive conflicts
false Return a nonzero exit value (false)
fc Process the command history list
fg Run jobs in the foreground
fgrep Generate the figure list in a format supported by the build process
file Determine file type
find Find files with a matching expression
fold Fold long lines for finite-width output device
gencat Create and modify a message catalog
get Create a specified version of a SCCS file
getconf Write system configuration varible values to standard output
getjobid Run the QShell getjobid command to determine the i5/OS job name for a process identifier
getopt Parse command line flags and parameters
getopts Process command-line arguments and check for valid options
grep Search a file for a pattern
hash Remember or report command path names
head Display the first few lines or bytes of a file or files
hostname Set or display the name of the current host system
iconv Convert the encoding of characters from one code page encoding scheme to another
id Display the system identifications of a specified user
idlj Run the QShell idlj command, to run the IDL-to-Java compiler
indent Reformat a C language program
install Install a command
ipcs Run the QShell ipcs command to display interprocess communications objects
ipcrm Run the QShell ipcrm command to remove interprocess communications objects
jar Run the QShell jar command, to archive Java files
jarsigner Run the QShell jarsigner command, to sign or verify the signature of a Java archive
java Run the QShell java command, to run the Java interpreter
javac Run the QShell javac command, to compile a Java program
javadoc Run the QShell javadoc command, to generate Java documentation
javah Run the QShell javah command, to generate C header or stub files for Java classes
javakey Run the QShell javakey command, to manage Java security keys
javap Run the QShell javap command, to disassemble a compiled Java program
jobs Display status of jobs in the current session
join Join the data fields of two files
keytool Run the QShell keytool command, to manage keys and certificates for Java
kill Send a signal to running processes
ksh Invoke the Korn shell
ksh93 Invoke the enhanced Korn shell
ld Link object files
lex Generate a C or C++ language program that matches patterns for simple lexical analysis of an input stream
line Read one line from the standard input
ln Link files
locale Write information about current locale or all public locales
logger Make entries in the system log
logname Display login name
look Find lines in a sorted file
lorder Find the best order for member files in an object library
ls Display the contents of a directory
m4 Preprocess files, expanding macro definitions
make Maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs
makekey Generate an encryption key
mkcatdefs Preprocess a message source file
mkdir Create one or more new directories
mkfifo Make first-in-first-out (FIFO) special files
mkfontdir Create a fonts.dir file from a directory of font files
mknod Create a special file
more Display the contents of files one screen at a time
mv Move files
mwm Run the AIXwindows(R) Window Manager (MWM)
native2ascii Run the QShell native2ascii command, to convert characters encoded in the i5/OS PASE CCSID to Unicode encoding
nawk Invoke the new version of awk
newform Change the format of a text file
nice Run a command at a lower or higher priority
nl Number lines in a file
nm Display the symbol table of an object file
nohup Run a command without hangups
od Display files in a specified format
orbd Run the QShell orbd command, to run the Java Object Request Broker Daemon
pack Compress files
Start of changepack200 Run the QShell pack200 command, the Java archive packing toolEnd of change
pagesize Display the system page size
paste Merge the lines of several files or subsequent lines in one file
patch Apply changes to files
pax Extract, write, and list members of archive files; copy files and directory hierarchies
pcat Unpack files and write them to standard output
pg Format files to the display
policytool Run the QShell policytool command, to create and manage Java policy files
pr Write a file to standard output
printenv Display the values of environment variables
printf Write formatted output
prs Display a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file
ps Show current status of processes
psh Invoke the POSIX (Korn) shell
pwd Display the pathname of the working directory
qsh Run a QShell command
qsh_inout Run a QShell command
qsh_out Run a QShell command
ranlib Convert archive libraries to random libraries
read Read one line from standard input
red Edit text by line
regcmp Compile patterns into C language char declarations
reset Initialize a terminal
resize Set the TERMCAP environment variable and terminal settings to the current window size
rev Reverse characters in each line of a file
Rfile Run the QShell Rfile command to read or write i5/OS record files
rgb Create the database used by the X Window System server for colors
rm Remove (unlink) files or directories
rmdel Remove a delta from a SCCS file
rmdir Remove a directory
rmic Run the QShell rmic command, to compile Java RMI stubs
rmid Run the QShell rmid command, to run the Java RMI activation system
rmiregistry Run the QShell rmiregistry command, to start a Java remote object registry
rtl_enable Relink shared objects to enable the runtime linker to use them
runcat Pipe output data from the mkcatdefs command to the gencat command
sact Display current SCCS file-editing status
serialver Run the QShell serialver command, to return the version number for Java classes
sccs Administration program for SCCS commands
sccsdiff Compare two versions of a SCCS file
sdiff Compare two files and display the differences in a side-by-side format
sed Provide a stream editor
servertool Run the QShell servertool command, to run the Java IDL Server Tool
setmaps Set terminal maps or code set maps
setccsid Run the QShell setccsid command to set the CCSID for an Integrated File System object
sh Invoke the default (Korn) shell
size Display the section sizes of the Extended Common Object File Format (XCOFF) object files
sleep Suspend execution for an interval
sort Sort files, merge files that are already sorted, and check files to determine if they have been sorted
split Split a file into pieces
strings Find the printable strings in an object or binary file
strip Reduce the size of an Extended Common Object File Format (XCOFF) object file by removing information used by the binder and symbolic debug program
stty Set, reset, and report workstation operating parameters
sum Display the checksum and block count of a file
syslogd Log system messages
system Run a CL command
sysval Run the QShell sysval command to display an i5/OS system value or network attribute
tab Change spaces into tabs
tabs Set tab stops on a terminal
tail Write a file to standard output, beginning at a specified point
tar Manipulate archives
tee Display the output of a program and copy it into a file
test Evaluate conditional expressions
tic Translate the terminfo description files from source to compiled format
time Print the time of the execution of a command
tnameserv Run the QShell tnameserv command, to provide access to the Java naming service
touch Update the access and modification times of a file
tput Query the terminfo database for terminal-dependent information
tr Translate characters
trace Record selected system events
trbsd Translate characters (BSD version)
trcoff Stop the collection of trace data
trcon Start the collection of trace data
trcstop Stop the trace function
true Return an exit value of zero (true)
tset Initialize a terminal
tsort Sort an unordered list of ordered pairs (a topological sort)
tty Write to standard output the full path name of your terminal
type Write a description of the command type
ulimit Set or report user resource limits
umask Display or set the file mode creation mask
unalias Remove alias definitions
uname Display the name of the current operating system
uncompress Restore compressed files
unexpand Write to standard output with tabs restored
unget Cancel a previous SCCS get command
unifdef Remove ifdef lines from a file
uniq Delete repeated lines in a file
unpack Expand files
Start of changeunpack200 Run the QShell unpack200 command, the Java archive unpacking toolEnd of change
untab Change tabs into spaces
val Validate SCCS files
vc Substitute assigned values for identification keywords
vedit Edit files with a full-screen display
vi Edit files with a full-screen display
view Start the vi editor in read-only mode
wait Wait until the termination of a process ID
wc Count the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file
what Display identifying information in files
which Locate a program file, including aliases and paths (the csh (C shell) command only)
X Run the X server. i5/OS PASE only supports virtual frame buffer processing
xargs Construct a parameter list and run a command
xauth Edit and display the authorization information used in connecting to the X server
xhost Control who accesses Enhanced X Window System on the current primary system
xlsfonts Display the font list for X Window System
xmodmap Modify keymaps in the X Server
xset Set options for your X Window System environment
xterm Provide a terminal emulator for the X Window System
xwd Dump the image of an Enhanced X Window System window
xwud Retrieve and display the dumped image of an Enhanced X Window System window
yacc Generate an LALR(1) parsing program from input consisting of a context-free grammar specification
yes Output an affirmative response repetitively
zcat Expand a compressed file to standard output