Stop the system by using the Power Down System (PWRDWNSYS) command on any command line when the system is in any mode.
Type PWRDWNSYS and press F4 to view the power down options. You must have QSYSOPR authority to use the Power Down System (PWRDWNSYS) command. If this command does not work on your system, use the following methods.
If you stop the system using the automatic power schedule or one of the options on the Power On and Off Tasks (POWER) menu, the IPL date and time system value (QIPLDATTIM) is checked and, if necessary, reset to the next scheduled power-on time. This checking does not occur if you turn off the system in another way, so the system might not turn on automatically. To force the power schedule to update the Date and time (QIPLDATTIM) system value, enter the following command on any command line: CHGPWRSCDE DAY(*TODAY) PWRONTIME(*SAME) PWROFFTIME(*SAME)