Change your password

When you install the i5/OS™ licensed program, the licensed program runs a check to detect system model changes, certain service conditions, and ownership changes.

If the licensed program detects these changes or conditions, you are prompted to enter the system password before the initial program load (IPL) can continue. If no changes or conditions are recognized, the IPL continues without a request for the system password.

You must enter the correct system password to complete the IPL. If the system password is not available, you or your service representative may temporarily bypass entering the system password for a limited time. When the bypass period starts, immediately contact your marketing representative, who will have IBM send you the correct system password. To order the system password, ask your marketing representative to order nonstandard RPQ S40345 if you are in the United States, Asia Pacific, Canada, Latin America, or Japan. If you are in Europe, Middle East, or Asia, request nonstandard RPQ S40346.

Related concepts
Change the system during IPL (attended IPL)