Use signon system values to control the signon values and other initial values for all users.
To access the signon category of system values, select Configuration and Services in iSeries™ Navigator. Then, select System Values.
If you are familiar with the i5/OS™ character-based interface, you will notice that iSeries Navigator uses descriptive names for the system values. For a quick overview of the signon system values available in iSeries Navigator (and their counterparts in the character-based interface), refer to the following table. Follow the links to learn more about each system value.
Signon system values:
Name in iSeries Navigator | Description of system value | Name in command interface |
Incorrect signon attempts | Sets how many incorrect signon attempts a user is allowed. | QMAXSIGN |
When maximum is reached | Specifies the action to take when the maximum number of signon attempts is reached. | QMAXSGNACN |
Display signon information | Specifies if signon information is displayed when signing on to a system. | QDSPSGNINF |
Restrict privileged users to specific device sessions | Specifies whether users with all object (*ALLOBJ) and service (*SERVICE) special authority need explicit authority to specific workstations or not. | QLMTSECOFR |
Limit each user to one device session | Sets the limit for device sessions. | QLMTDEVSSN |
Remote signon | Specifies information regarding remote signons. | QRMTSIGN |