Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) registry entry

iSeries™ Navigator users can request a secure connection to an iSeries server by selecting the Use Secure Sockets Layer checkbox on the Connection tab of the property sheet for iSeries objects. When this is done, only iSeries Navigator components that are capable of supporting SSL communications are enabled for activation by the user.

If all of a plug-in's communications with the iSeries server are managed by using the iSeries Access for Windows® system handle (enter cwbCO_SysHandle), or by using the class in the case of a Java™ plug-in, then it should indicate that it supports secure connections to the iSeries server. For C++ plug-ins, the cwbCO_SysHandle is obtained by calling the cwbUN_GetSystemHandle API. When the user requests a secure connection, the Navigator automatically will enable SSL. In the case of Java plug-ins, the iSeries server object obtained by calling the getSystemObject method on the class actually will be an instance of

Note: If you are running Java over SSL, and creating your own CA certificate, iSeries Access for Windows GA service pack is required.

If a plug-in's communications with the iSeries server are performed by using the Sockets API or some other low-level communications service, then it is the responsibility of the plug-in to support SSL if it has been requested. If the plug-in doesn't provide this support, it should indicate that it doesn't support SSL as described below. When this is done, the plug-in's function will be disabled if the user has requested a secure connection.

Example: Adding a registry key to enable SSL
The key is SSL under [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\IBM.AS400.Network\3RD PARTY EXTENSIONS\IBM.Sample\SSL] "Support Level"=dword:00000001 where IBM.Sample is the plug-in supplied product component.
Note: "Support Level"=dword:00000001 = supports SSL, and "Support Level"=dword:00000000 = does NOT support SSL.

; Example registry key that
 says this plug-in supports SSL
 "Support Level"=dword:00000001