Provides the iSeries™ Access for Windows® Selective Setup program with the information it needs to install the locale-dependent resources that are associated with an iSeries Navigator plug-in on a client PC.
You must name the file MRISETUP.INI. A version of this file must reside in the MRI29XX subdirectory on the iSeries server for each national language that the plug-in supports.
The format of the file conforms to that of a standard Windows configuration (.INI) file. The file contains a single section, MRI Info. The MRI Info section provides the Version value for the MRI of the plug-in. The MRI for the plug-in includes all resource DLLs, as well as Help files (.HLP and .CNT) for a particular language. For example:
[MRI Info] Version=0
The iSeries Access for Windows Selective Setup program checks the Version value of the MRI during an initial install and during an upgrade of the plug-in when incrementing the Version or release level of the plug-in. The MRI Version value in this file must match the Version value in the SETUP.INI file of the plug-in during the installation or upgrade. When these values do not match, the MRI files will not be copied to the client PC. The Programmer's Toolkit provides a sample MRI setup file with the sample plug-in.