The sample Java™ plug-in works with message queues in QUSRSYS on a given iSeries™ server.
The first plug-in allows you to view, add and delete messages in your default message queue, the one with the same name as your iSeries user
ID. The second plug-in adds support for multiple message queues. Finally, the third plug-in adds the ability to drag and drop messages between queues.
In addition to installing the plug-in code, the sample plug-in includes Java docs, a Readme.txt file, and two
registry files, one for use during development and another for distribution with the retail version. See the Sample Java plug-in
directory of files for a detailed description of all files included with the Java plug-ins.
To set up the sample Java plug-in:
Download the sample Java plug-ins |
Download the executable file jvopnav.exe. When you run this file, it will extract all of the previously mentioned files. You should allow the executable to install the files in the default
directory: jvopnav\com\ibm\as400\opnav. |
Identify the plug-in to iSeries Navigator |
- Edit the file MsgQueueSampleX.reg in jvopnav\com\ibm\as400\opnav\MsgQueueSampleX. (X=1, 2 or 3, depending on which sample you are installing.)
- Find the lines: "NLS"="c:\\jvopnav\\win32\\mri\\MessageQueuesMRI.dll" and "JavaPath"="c:\\jvopnav"
- Replace "c:\\" with the fully-qualified path to the jvopnav directory on your PC. You must double all back slashes in the path.
- Save your changes, and double click the registry file.
Run the sample Java plug-in. |
- Start iSeries Navigator, and click on the "+" next to an iSeries server to expand the tree.
- iSeries Navigator will detect the changes to the registry, and prompt you to scan the iSeries server in order to verify that it is capable of supporting the new plug-in.
- Click Scan Now
- iSeries Navigator will scan the iSeries server.
When it finishes, it will display a new folder in the hierarchy tree, Java Message Queue Sample 1, 2 or 3.
- Double click on the new folder
- The first sample plug-in will display the contents of your default message queue in QUSRSYS on the iSeries server. The
second and third samples will display a list of message queues.
- Add a new message by right-clicking on the message queue folder, and selecting .
- The plug-in displays a PDML dialog allowing you to enter the message text.
- Delete a message by right-clicking on a message and selecting Delete. You can also do this from the toolbar.
- If you're using the third sample plug-in, you can select a message, drag it to another queue, and then drop it.
- The plug-in will then move the message to the other queue.