Verify jobs from iSeries Navigator

You can use iSeries™ Navigator to verify jobs.

Verify the QTCPIP job

To find the QTCPIP job, follow these steps:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, expand your iSeries server > Work Management > Server Jobs.
  2. From the Edit menu, select Find (Ctrl+F).
  3. In the Search for field, type Qtcpip. All the job columns are searched for the job.
  4. Click Find. iSeries Navigator will highlight your job once it is found.

Verify one job for each server

To see if you have at least one job for each of the servers you are attempting to use, follow these steps:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, expand your iSeries server > Work Management > Subsystems > Active Subsystems.
  2. Click Qsyswrk.
    Note: QSYSWRK and the controlling subsystem are always started for you by the operating system. QUSRWRK and QSERVER are started by the IBM-supplied startup program, so unless you have changed the IBM-supplied startup program these subsystems should be started automatically for you. The server jobs might also be in QUSRWRK, QSERVER, or their own subsystem.
  3. View the list of jobs in the Job name column in the right pane, and locate at least one job for each of the applications you are attempting to use.

See the server table to find the job name associated to the server you want to verify.