This action ends the trace and stores the collected trace records
in a set of database files. The stored trace records stay in the database
files until you run the Delete Trace Data (DLTTRC) command.
To end a
job trace, follow these steps:
At the command line, type ENDTRC, and press F4
For the Session ID prompt, specify the name of the trace
you want to end, such as mytrace.
For the Data option prompt, type *LIB to
store the trace data in database files so it can be printed later.
For the Data library prompt, specify the name of the library
in which the trace data will be stored, such as lib.
The library must exist before running the ENDTRC command. If
you do not specify a specific library, the default library QGPL is used.
Press Enter. You should receive the message ENDTRC session
ID MYTRACE successfully saved into library LIB.
Note: The ENDTRC (End Trace) process can use a substantial amount
of processing time and resources. If you have a limited amount of interactive
capability available on your system, you might want to submit the ENDTRC to