To call a special recovery program for situations when the IPL senses that the previous system ending was abnormal, you can add an autostart job entry to the subsystem description for the controlling subsystem.
1.00 /* SPCRECOV - Autostart program to call special recovery program */ 2.00 PGM 3.00 DCL &QABNORMSW *CHAR LEN(1) 4.00 RTVSYSVAL SYSVAL(QABNORMSW) RTNVAR(&QABNORMSW) 5.00 IF (&QABNORMSW *EQ '1') DO /* Recover */ 6.00 SNDPGMMSG MSG('Recovery program in operation-do not + 7.00 start subsystems until notified') + 8.00 TOMSGQ(QSYSOPR) 9.00 CALL RECOVERY 10.00 SNDPGMMSG MSG('Recovery complete-jobs may be started') + 11.00 TOMSGQ(QSYSOPR) 12.00 ENDDO /* Recover */ 13.00 ENDPGM