Find jobs

It is important to understand how to find jobs on your iSeries™ server. Whatever the reason, at some point in time you might need certain information from a particular job.

In iSeries Navigator, you can do a Find on all your jobs or you can narrow your search using the Include function followed by Find. The Include function allows you to put limitations on what is displayed in iSeries Navigator. For example, instead of doing a Find on hundreds of jobs, you can run an Include to display only certain job types. Or, you can display only those jobs with specific job user IDs.

From a performance standpoint, if you have a large number of jobs on the system, it is recommended that you use the Include function to narrow the number of jobs searched. If you have a lot of jobs on the system, searching through all of them can hinder system performance.

Note: You can use the Find and Include functions throughout work management wherever you find jobs. You can also use these tools to find job queues, subsystems, and memory pools in the same manner. Remember that you need to click the area that you want to search before you can use these tools.

Limit information that is displayed

To limit the information that is displayed, use the Include function.
  1. In iSeries Navigator, expand My Connections > server > Work Management > Active Jobs or Server Jobs.
  2. From the View menu, click Customize this View, then Include. The Include window appears.
  3. In the Include window, select the options with which you want to search for your job.
  4. Click OK.

Character-based interface

To find a job on the system, use either the Work with Active Job (WRKACTJOB), Work with User Job (WRKUSRJOB), or Work with Submitted Job (WRKSBMJOB) command.