Change workstation entries
You can specify a different job description for a previously defined
workstation entry by using the character-based interface.
- When the Job description (JOBD) parameter is specified,
the workstation entry will be changed; however, the value of this parameter
is not changed for any jobs started through this entry that are active at
the time.
- If the value of the Maximum active jobs (MAXACT)
parameter is reduced to a number less than the total number of workstations
that are active through the workstation entry, no additional workstations
will be allowed to sign on. Active workstations will not be signed off.
Additional jobs can be created for an active workstation by the Transfer Secondary
Job (TFRSECJOB) command or the Transfer to Group Job (TFRGRPJOB)
command. Other workstations will not be allowed to sign on until the number
of active workstations is less than the value specified for the MAXACT parameter.
Command: Change Workstation Entry (CHGWSE)
Example: This command changes the workstation entry for workstation
A12 in subsystem BAKER found in the general purpose library. A job is created
for workstation A12 when the user's password is entered on the signon prompt
and the Enter key is pressed.