Listed here are the IBM® Redbooks™ (in PDF format) and Web sites
that relate to the Domain Name System (DNS) topic. You can view or print any
of the PDFs.
IBM Redbooks
AS/400® TCP/IP
Autoconfiguration: DNS and DHCP Support
(5181 KB)
This Redbook describes the Domain Name
System (DNS) server and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server
support that are included in i5/OS™. The information in this Redbook helps you install,
tailor, configure, and troubleshoot DNS and DHCP support through examples.
Web sites
- DNS and BIND, third edition. Paul Albitz and Cricket Liu.
Published by O'Reilly
and Associates,Inc.
Sebastopol, California, 1998. ISBN number: 1-56592-512-2.
This is the most definitive source on DNS.
- The Internet
Software Consortium Web site
contains news, links, and other resources
for BIND.
- The InterNIC
maintains a directory of all domain name registrars that are authorized by
the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
- The DNS
Resources Directory
provides DNS reference material and links to many other
DNS resources, including discussion groups. It also provides a listing of
related RFCs
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