Display commitment control information

You can use iSeriesā„¢ Navigator to display information about all transactions (logical units of work) on the system. You can also look at information about the job, if any, associated with a transaction.

Note: These display operations do not display the isolation level for SQL applications.

To display information, proceed as follows:

  1. In the iSeries Navigator window, expand the server you want to use.
  2. Expand Databases.
  3. Expand the system you want to work with.
  4. Expand Transactions.
    Note: To view a transaction that is associated with an X/Open global transaction, expand Global Transactions. To view a DB2 Universal Databaseā„¢ (UDB) managed transaction, expand Database Transactions.
  5. Expand Global Transactions or Database Transactions.

This display shows the following information:

Online help provides information about all the status displays and the fields on each display.

Related tasks
Detect deadlocks
Recover transactions after communications failure
When to force commits and rollbacks and when to cancel resynchronization