Image description

The image is a flow chart that describes the program flow for the sample program.

The following steps are what the flow chart follows:
  1. Begin
  2. Read last notify object record.
  3. Found? If No, go to step 6. If Yes, go to step 4.
  4. Move restart information to "Last" fields.
  5. Set for restart message
  6. Prompt.
    1. Basic prompt.
  7. End of program? If No, go to step 7.a. If Yes, go to step 8.
    1. Read product master record.
    2. Found? If No, go to step 7.c. If Yes go to step 11.
    3. Set for error. Go to step 6.
  8. Read notify object record.
  9. Found? If No, End. If Yes, go to step 10.
  10. Delete. Go to step 8.
  11. Read product location record.
  12. Found? If No, go to step 12.a. If Yes, go to step 13.
    1. Release lock on product master.
    2. Set for error. Go to step 6.
  13. Add quantity.
  14. Update product master.
  15. Update product location
  16. Commit
  17. Move restart information to "Last" fields. Go to step 6.