FRCDTA (Force Data) keyword for ICF files

Use this record-level keyword to clear the buffer when there is no more data to send, without waiting for the buffer to become full.

Note: If the keyword is specified after each write statement, performance problems might occur.

There is no wait for confirmation. (The CONFIRM keyword provides similar function but additionally provides confirmation of data sent. Your program must wait for the response from the other end before continuing to the next program statement.)

This keyword has no parameters.

The FRCDTA keyword is ignored at run time when any of the following keywords is in effect:


These keywords must have option indicators when they apply to a record specifying FRCDTA. If a keyword from this list has no option indicator and applies to a record with FRCDTA, an error message is issued and the FRCDTA keyword is ignored at creation time.

You cannot specify FRCDTA with the TIMER keyword.

The FRCDTA keyword can be specified at most once per record format.

Option indicators are valid for this keyword.


The following example shows how to specify the FRCDTA keyword.

00010A        R REC1
00020A  10                                  FRCDTA
00030A          FLD1            10
00040A          FLD2             5

When option indicator 10 is on and the program does a write operation, the FRCDTA keyword sends communications data currently held in the buffer.