Positions 7 through 16 are a multiple-field area in which you can specify option indicators.
Option indicators are 2-digit numbers from 01 to 99. Your program can set option indicators on (hex F1) or off (hex F0) to select a keyword for output operations. In ICF files, option indicators are valid only for record- and file-level keywords.
A condition is an ANDed grouping of two through nine indicators that must all be in effect (set off if the letter N is specified; set on if N is not specified) before the keyword is selected. You can specify a maximum of nine indicators for each condition and nine conditions for each keyword. Therefore, a maximum of 81 indicators can be specified for each keyword, when nine indicators are used with nine conditions. An AND condition occurs when you specify a condition requiring that more than one indicator must be on or off before the condition is satisfied. The first indicator you specify, AND the second, AND the third, and so on, must all be in effect before the condition is satisfied and the keyword is selected. You must specify the keyword on the same line as the last (or only) set of indicators specified.
You can also specify several conditions for a keyword so that if any one of them is satisfied, the keyword is selected. This is called an OR relationship. In an OR relationship, if the first condition is satisfied, OR the second condition, OR the third condition, and so on, the keyword is selected. Note that conditions within the OR relationship can consist of just one indicator or can consist of several indicators ANDed together. Indicators can be ANDed to form a condition. Conditions can be ORed to give your program several ways to select the keyword.
If you want to condition one or more keywords, the last (or only) indicator must appear on the same line as the keywords. If the conditioning applies to keywords on more than one line, you must use keyword continuation for the indicators to apply to all keywords. See the syntax rules in the DDS Concept information for details.