Use this field-level keyword to specify that a graphic character set and code page other than the device default can be used for this field.
This can be important when extended alphabetics (characters such as u with an umlaut or c with a cedilla) are to be printed.
This keyword has no parameters.
If you do not specify CHRID for a field, data printed in that field is printed in the character set of the printer device. How the data is printed depends on how code points used in the original code page correspond to the code page used on the device. For example, a slash (/) can be printed as a blank, because X'51' is an empty code point in the basic U.S. character set.
The CHRID keyword is not valid on constant fields or numeric fields (fields with decimal positions specified in positions 36 through 37).
The CHRID keyword is ignored for fields in printer files that specify *JOBCCSID for the CHRID parameter on the Create Printer File (CRTPRTF), Change Printer File (CHGPRTF), or Override Printer File (OVRPRTF) commands. All printer data is assumed to be in the CCSID of the current job for these printer files.
In SCS printer files (DEVTYPE(*SCS) on the CRTPRTF command), you cannot specify CHRID on the same field as the TRNSPY keyword. In IPDS™ printer files (DEVTYPE(*IPDS) on the CRTPRTF command), you can specify CHRID on the same field as the TRNSPY keyword. However, a warning message results in stating that the DEVTYPE should not be changed to *SCS.
For printer files created with DEVTYPE(*AFPDS), CHRID applies only to files
that use registered font IDs. If the file uses downloaded coded fonts or character
set/code pages, the keyword is ignored and a message is issued. See Appendix
D of the IBM® Infoprint® Fonts:
Font Summary book for a listing of font IDs.
If the DFNCHR keyword is specified for a record format, the CHRID keyword cannot be specified in that record format. If the DFNCHR keyword is specified at the file level, CHRID cannot be specified in that file.
Option indicators are not valid for this keyword. However, option indicators can be used to condition the field associated with this keyword.
The following example shows how to specify the CHRID keyword.
|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 00010A R RECORD1 00020A TITLE 40 1 20CHRID A
The field TITLE is a named field. With CHRID specified, the printer attempts to print the appropriate characters.