CHRSIZ (Character Size) keyword

Use this record- or field-level keyword to expand the printed characters to twice their normal width, their normal height, or their normal size (width and height).

Before expanding the characters, the system performs any formatting operations specified, such as those specified with the DDS keywords EDTCDE and EDTWRD.

The format of this keyword is:

CHRSIZ(width [height])

The valid values for the width and height parameters are 1 and 2. The width parameter is required; the height parameter is optional. If height is not specified, it defaults to 1.

This format is valid only on the 5553 printer.

Consider the following conditions when using CHRSIZ(width [height]):


The following example shows how to specify the CHRSIZ keyword on the DDS coding form.

00030A          R RECORD1                   CHRSIZ(2 1)
00040A            FIELD1       23O        20SPACEA(2)
00050A            FIELD2       80A        20SPACEA(2) CHRSIZ(1 1)
00060A            FIELD3       41O        20SPACEA(2)
00070A            FIELD4       45O        20SPACEA(2) CHRSIZ(1 2)
00080A            FIELD5       40A        20SPACEA(2) CHRSIZ(1)
00090A            FIELD6       25A        20SPACEA(2) CHRSIZ(2 2)

In the example, the DBCS characters in FIELD1 and FIELD3 expand to twice their normal width when printed. The DBCS characters in FIELD2 and FIELD5 are in their normal size when printed. The DBCS characters in FIELD4 expand to twice their normal height when printed. The DBCS characters in FIELD6 expand to twice their normal size (width and height) when printed.

Related concepts
CHRSIZ (Character Size) keyword in printer files