Specify dots to be printed in the dot matrix

When you define a dot matrix pattern for a user-defined character, specify nine 2-digit pairs of hexadecimal digits.

Each 2-digit pair corresponds with a column in the matrix, the first pair with the first column, the second pair with the second column, and so forth. Specify the left character of each pair to control which dots are printed in the upper half of the column. Specify the right character to control the lower half.

Use the approach shown in Figure 1 to specify the dot matrix pattern for a copyright mark, which prints as ©.

Figure 1. Specify the dot matrix for a copyright mark
Illustration depicts the
matrix for a copyright mark, highlighting column 2, which is specified as
x'7E'. The binary equivalent is 0111 1110, which corresponds to the placement
of dots in column 2.

Use the form in Figure 2 to plan your dot patterns and specify the required hexadecimal digits for characters as large as three columns wide by three lines high. In this grid pattern, mark the dot patterns for as many as nine print positions (three across and three down).

Figure 2. Grid pattern for specifying dot matrix Characters
Illustration is a blank grid
of 27 columns by 24 rows.

Use Table 1 to determine which hexadecimal digit to specify for each half-column in the grid pattern.

Table 1. Hexadecimal digits for the bit patterns
Bit patterns Hexadecimal digits Bit patterns Hexadecimal digits
0000 0 1000 8
0001 1 1001 9
0010 2 1010 A
0011 3 1011 B
0100 4 1100 C
0101 5 1101 D
0110 6 1110 E
0111 7 1111 F

For each print position, complete one row of the grid pattern, shown in Figure 3. There should be one pair of hexadecimal digits to each box.

Figure 3. Completing the grid pattern
An illustration of a blank
grid box, with spaces beside each row to enter hexadecimal digits to define
each row.