GRDCLR (Grid Clear) keyword

Use this record-level keyword to define the rectangle on a screen in which all grid structures are cleared.

The format of the keyword is:
GRDCLR[(*POS ([*DS3][*DS4]
start row | &start-row-field
start column | &start-column-field
depth | &depth-field
width | &width-field))]

If no parameters are defined, GRDCLR keyword will clear all grid lines.

The *POS parameter is an optional parameter. This parameter display size conditioning on the GRDCLR keyword. When coding *DS3 or *DS4 within the *POS parameter, you can have 2 different start row, start column, and length values depending on the display size being used. DSPSIZ keyword must be coded on the file level.

If a field name is specified, the field must exist in the record format, data type S, usage P, length of 3, and zero decimal positions.

Grid line support requires DBCS equipment. This equipment should have the capability of calling Japanese DOS.

Option indicators are valid for this keyword.


The following example shows how to specify the GRDCLR keyword.

     A                                      DSPSIZ(*DS3 *DS4)
     A          R GRDREC1                   GRDRCD
     A                                      GRDCLR
     A          R GRDREC2                   GRDRCD
     A  90                                  DSPMOD(*DS4)
     A  95                                  GRDCLR((*POS (*DS3 4 4 10 60) +
     A                                      (*DS4 4 4 10 120)))
     A                                      GRDLIN((*POS (*DS3 6 4 20) +
     A                                      (*DS4 6 4 110)) (*TYPE LOWER)  +
     A                                      (*COLOR RED) (*LINTYP DBL))
     A          R GRDREC3                   GRDRCD
     A  95                                  GRDCLR((*POS (&SCROW &SCOL &DPTH &WDTH)));
     A                                      GRDLIN((*POS (6 4 20)) +
     A                                      (*TYPE LOWER)  +
     A                                      (*COLOR RED) (*LINTYP DBL))
     A            SROW           3S 0P
     A            SCOL           3S 0P
     A            DPTH           3S 0P
     A            WDTH           3S 0P

When the GRDREC1 record is written, the display screen is cleared of all grid structures.

When the GRDREC2 record is written to a 24 by 80 display or the DSPMOD keyword is turned off and option indicator 95 is turned on, a rectangle starting at row 4, column 4, depth of 10 rows, and width of 60 columns will be cleared. If the GRDREC2 record is written to a 27 by 132 display and the DSPMOD keyword is turned on and option indicator 95 is turned on, a rectangle starting a at row 4, column 4, depth of 10 rows, and width of 120 columns will be cleared. The GRDCLR keyword will be processed before the GRDLIN keyword so existing grids will be cleared before any new grids are drawn.

When the GRDREC3 record is written and option indicator 95 is turned on, the GRDCLR keyword is processed. The position and size of the rectangle for the GRDCLR keyword will be determined at runtime from the appropriate p-field. The GRDCLR keyword will be processed before the GRDLIN keyword so existing grids will be cleared before any new grids are drawn.