You can use data description specifications (DDS) to define physical
and logical database files. This topic provides the information you need to
code the positional and keyword entries that define these files.
What's new for V5R4
This topic highlights changes to the DDS for physical and logical files for V5R4.
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Define physical and logical files using DDS
This topic provides information about coding physical and logical files that use DDS, and describes the positional entries used by these files.
Unicode considerations for database files
Unicode is a universal encoding scheme for written characters and text that enables the exchange of data internationally. Follow this topic to learn about how to specify DDS position 30 through 37 and position 45 through 80 for describing database files. Positions not mentioned have no special considerations for Unicode.
DBCS considerations for database files
These topics describe the DBCS considerations for the positional entries and keyword entries for physical and logical files, along with general considerations for database files.