Match iSeries system controller description parameters for a remote iSeries system

You must coordinate communications configuration parameters between local and remote iSeries™ systems. The parameters are described in the following table. This table shows those prompts and parameters that must be coordinated when you specify controller descriptions for the local and remote iSeries systems.

To configure a local iSeries server to a remote iSeries server:

iSeries Prompt iSeries Parameter Remote iSeries Parameter Notes
local area network (LAN) remote adapter address ADPTADR ADPTADR The adapter address specified on the local system controller description must match the line description ADPTADR parameter specified by the remote system.

If the iSeries system uses an Ethernet line through an 8209 LAN Bridge, see "Appendix C: Local Area Network Addressing Considerations" in the Communications Configuration Link to PDFbook.

Connection number CNNNBR NETADR For X.25 switched virtual circuits (SVCs), the CNNNBR parameter on the local system controller description must match the NETADR parameter on the line description for the remote system.
Connection password CNNPWD CNNPWD For switched virtual circuits (SVCs), passwords specified for each system must match.
Destination service access point DSAP SSAP DSAP specified for the local iSeries server must match the SSAP specified in the remote iSeries controller description.
Exchange identifier EXCHID EXCHID If used, the local iSeries controller description EXCHID must match the remote iSeries line description EXCHID. The first three digits of the exchange identifier, known as the block number, is 056 for the iSeries line. You can use the WRKLIND command to determine this value.
Initial connection INLCNN INLCNN Values specified for each system must be coordinated; INLCNN(*ANS) must not be specified for both systems.
Link protocol LINKPCL LINKPCL For X.25 connections, values specified for each system must match; both must be *QLLC or *ELLC.
Remote control point name RMTCPNAME LCLCPNAME RMTCPNAME specified on the local iSeries system controller description must match the local control point name specified in the network attributes of the remote iSeries system.
Remote network identifier RMTNETID LCLNETID RMTNETID specified on the local iSeries server controller description must match the local network ID specified in the network attributes of the remote iSeries server.
Data link role ROLE ROLE The value specified for the local iSeries controller description ROLE parameter must match the remote iSeries line description ROLE value.
X.25 reverse charging RVSCRG RVSCRG Values specified for each system must be coordinated.
Switched network backup SNBU SNBU Values specified for each system must match.
Source service access point SSAP DSAP SSAP specified for the local iSeries system must match the DSAP specified in the remote iSeries controller description.
Station address STNADR STNADR Values specified for each system must match, unless both controller descriptions specify ROLE(*NEG).
For asynchronous controllers (CRTCTLASC command), if the remote system controller description specifies RMTVFY(*YES), the local system controller description must specify a local identifier (LCLID parameter) and local location name (LCLLOCNAME parameter). The remote system must also create a configuration list with the LCLID and LCLLOCNAME values from the local system controller description.

For more information on iSeries system parameters, see the Communications Configuration Link to PDF book.