Use the procedures below to install the virtual control panel.
The virtual control panel (VCP) requires an available, unused service tools device ID. If the server does not use Operations Console (LAN) for the console mode, you can use the existing service tools device ID of QCONSOLE. If you know that Operations Console (LAN) is not being used you may skip to the section below to create a service tools device ID. To check the current console mode setting, do the following:
If you are using a service tools user ID other than QSECOFR, QSRV, 22222222, or 11111111 for use with the VCP, you have to set the service tools user privileges for Partition remote panel key to allow access to the mode function. To verify or set this service tools user privilege, do the following:
If your current Operations Console configured connection includes the remote control panel, use the following steps to configure the connection for just the console. If the console is currently the only function being provided, skip this section and continue with next section.
Use the following instructions to create a new connection configuration specifically for the virtual control panel.
You have completed the configuration for the VCP connection.
Start a connection for the console (your original connection). Sign on normally, if necessary, and wait for the console window to appear.
Now you can connect the VCP connection.
You will get the LAN Service Device Sign-on window with an extra field. The Access password field is where you enter the password you chose during the setup wizard. If you remember the example used earlier, the password was access. Enter the password you used in the Specify Access Password window.
Enter any service tools user ID and password, commonly referred to as the DST user ID and password. Since this is authenticating the connection and not setting up any authorities to the work, there is no difference between using 11111111 and 11111111 or QSECOFR and ???????. If you have previously created additional service tools user IDs you could use any of those as well.