Join column (unique per query) used to link
rows for a single query together |
Time row was created |
Job name |
Job user |
Job number |
Thread Id |
User defined column |
Name of the library containing the program
or package |
Cursor name |
Name of the package or name of the program
that contains the current SQL statement |
Name of the statement for SQL statement,
if applicable |
Statement usage count |
Average runtime (ms) |
Minimum runtime (ms) |
Maximum runtime (ms) |
Open time for most expensive execution (ms) |
Fetch time for most expensive execution (ms) |
Close time for most expensive execution (ms) |
Other time for most expensive execution (ms) |
Time statement last used |
Most expensive time used |
Access plan rebuild time |
Number of full opens |
Number of pseudo-opens |
Total rows in table if non-join |
Number of result rows returned |
Statement function S - Select
U - Update
I - Insert
D - Delete
L - Data definition language
O - Other
Statement operation - AD - Allocate descriptor
- AL - Alter table
- AP - Alter procedure
- AQ - Alter sequence
- CA - Call
- CC - Create collection
- CD - Create type
- CF - Create function
- CG - Create trigger
- CI - Create index
- CL - Close
- CM - Commit
- CN - Connect
- CO - Comment on
- CP - Create procedure
- CQ - Create sequence
- CS - Create alias/synonym
- CT - Create table
- CV - Create view
- DA - Deallocate descriptor
- DE - Describe
- DI - Disconnect
- DL - Delete
QQSTOP (continued) |
- DM - Describe parameter marker
- DP - Declare procedure
- DR - Drop
- DT - Describe table
- EI - Execute immediate
- EX - Execute
- FE - Fetch
- FL - Free locator
- GR - Grant
- GS - Get descriptor
- HC - Hard close
- HL - Hold locator
- IN - Insert
- JR - Server job reused
- LK - Lock
- LO - Label on
- MT - More text (Depreciated in V5R4)
- OP - Open
- PD - Prepare and describe
- PR - Prepare
- RB - Rollback to savepoint
- RE - Release
- RF - Refresh Table
- RG - Resignal
- RO - Rollback
- RS - Release Savepoint
- RT - Rename table
- RV - Revoke
- SA - Savepoint
- SC - Set connection
- SD - Set descriptor
- SE - Set encryption password
- SN - Set session user
- SI - Select into
- SO - Set current degree
- SP - Set path
- SR - Set result set
- SS - Set current schema
- ST - Set transaction
- SV - Set variable
- UP - Update
- VI - Values into
- X0 - Unknown statement
QQSTOP (continued) |
- X1 - Unknown statement
- X2 - DRDA® (AS)
Unknown statement
- X3 - Unknown statement
- X9 - Internal error
- XA - X/Open API
- ZD - Host server only activity
ODP implementation R - Reusable ODP (ISV)
N - Non-reusable ODP (V2)
Host variable implementation I - Interface supplied values (ISV)
V - Host variables treated as constants (V2)
U - Table management row positioning (UP)
Access plan rebuilt - A1 - A table or member is not the same object as the one referenced
when the access plan was last built. Some reasons they may be different are:
- Object was deleted and recreated.
- Object was saved and restored.
- Library list was changed.
- Object was renamed.
- Object was moved.
- Object was overridden to a different object.
- This is the first run of this query after the object containing the query
has been restored.
- A2 - Access plan was built to use a reusable Open Data Path (ODP)
and the optimizer chose to use a non-reusable ODP for this call.
- A3 - Access plan was built to use a non-reusable Open Data Path
(ODP) and the optimizer chose to use a reusable ODP for this call.
- A4 - The number of rows in the table has changed by more than 10%
since the access plan was last built.
- A5 - A new index exists over one of the tables in the query.
- A6 - An index that was used for this access plan no longer exists
or is no longer valid.
- A7 - i5/OS™ Query
requires the access plan to be rebuilt because of system programming changes.
- A8 - The CCSID of the current job is different than the CCSID of
the job that last created the access plan.
- A9 - The value of one or more of the following is different for
the current job than it was for the job that last created this access plan:
- date format
- date separator
- time format
- time separator
QQAPR (continued) |
- AA - The sort sequence table specified is different than the sort
sequence table that was used when this access plan was created.
- AB - Storage pool changed or DEGREE parameter of CHGQRYA command
- AC - The system feature DB2® multisystem has been installed or removed.
- AD - The value of the degree query attribute has changed.
- AE - A view is either being opened by a high level language or
a view is being materialized.
- AF - A sequence object or user-defined type or function is not
the same object as the one referred to in the access plan; or, the SQL path
used to generate the access plan is different than the current SQL path.
- B0 - The options specified have changed as a result of the query
options file QAQQINI.
- B1 - The access plan was generated with a commitment control level
that is different in the current job.
- B2 - The access plan was generated with a static cursor answer
set size that is different than the previous access plan.
- B3 - The query was reoptimized because this is the first run of
the query after a prepare. That is, it is the first run with real actual parameter
marker values.
- B4 - The query was reoptimized because referential or check constraints
have changed.
- B5 - The query was reoptimized because Materialized Query Tables
have changed.
Data conversion - N - No.
- 0 - Not applicable.
- 1 - Lengths do not match.
- 2 - Numeric types do not match.
- 3 - C host variable is NUL-terminated.
- 4 - Host variable or column is variable length and the other is not variable
- 5 - Host variable or column is not variable length and the other is variable
- 6 - Host variable or column is variable length and the other is not variable
- 7 - CCSID conversion.
- 8 - DRDA and
NULL capable, variable length, contained in a partial row, derived expression,
or blocked fetch with not enough host variables.
- 9 - Target table of an insert is not an SQL table.
- 10 - Host variable is too short to hold a TIME or TIMESTAMP value being
- 11 - Host variable is DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP and value being retrieved
is a character string.
- 12 - Too many host variables specified and records are blocked.
- 13 - DRDA used
for a blocked FETCH and the number of host variables specified in the INTO
clause is less than the number of result values in the select list.
- 14 - LOB locator used and the commitment control level was not *ALL.
Statement table scan usage count |
Statement index usage count |
Statement index creation count |
Statement sort usage count |
Statement temporary table count |
Statement index advised count |
Statement access plan rebuild count |
Average result set size |
QQC11 |
Reserved |
QQC12 |
Reserved |
QQC21 |
Reserved |
QQC22 |
Reserved |
QQI1 |
Reserved |
QQI2 |
Reserved |
QQC301 |
Reserved |
QQC302 |
Reserved |
QQC1000 |
Reserved |