Change this program example to suit your needs for loading a new master key into your Cryptographic Coprocessor.
If you choose to use this program example, change it to suit your specific needs. For security reasons, IBM® recommends that you individualize these program examples rather than using the default values provided.
D************************************************************* D* LOAD_KM D* D* Load a new master key on the card. D* D* D* COPYRIGHT 5769-SS1 (C) IBM CORP. 2000, 2000 D* D* This material contains programming source code for your D* consideration. These example has not been thoroughly D* tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot D* guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function D* of these programs. All programs contained herein are D* provided to you "AS IS". THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF D* MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE D* ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. IBM provides no program services for D* these programs and files. D* D* D* Note: Input format is more fully described in Chapter 2 of D* IBM CCA Basic Services Reference and Guide D* (SC31-8609) publication. D* D* Parameters: D* OPTION (FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST, CLEAR, SET) D* KEYPART (24 bytes entered in hex -> X'01F7C4....') D* Required for FIRST, MIDDLE, and LAST D* D* The master key is loaded in 3 or more parts. Specify FIRST D* when loading the first part, MIDDLE when loading all parts D* between the first and the last, and LAST when loading the final D* part of the master key. D* D* As the master key parts are entered, they are Exclusively OR'ed D* with the current contents of the master key register. After the D* last master key, if the contents do not have odd parity in every D* byte, a non-zero return/reason code will be returned. In order D* to ensure that the final result has odd parity, each key part D* should have odd parity in every byte. This is assuming that there D* is an odd number of key parts. (If there is an even number of D* key parts, then one of the key parts should have even parity). D* D* A byte has odd parity if is contains: D* an odd parity nibble : 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, B, D, or E AND D* an even parity nibble: 0, 3, 5, 6, 9, A, C, or F. D* D* For example 32, A4, 1F, and 75 are odd parity bytes because D* they contain both an odd parity and an even parity D* nibble. D* D* 05, 12, 6C, and E7 are even parity bytes because D* they contain either two even parity nibbles or D* two odd parity nibbles. D* D* The New master key register must be empty before the first part D* of a master key can be entered. Use CLEAR to ensure that the D* New master key register is empty before loading the master key D* parts. D* D* After loading the master key, use SET to move the master key from D* the New-master-key register to the Current-master-key register. D* Cryptographic keys are encrypted under the master key in the D* the Current-master-key register. D* D* Example: D* CALL PGM(LOAD_KM) (CLEAR) D* D* CALL PGM(LOAD_KM) D* (FIRST X'0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA98765432100123456789ABCDEF') D* D* CALL PGM(LOAD_KM) D* (MIDDLE X'1032A873458010F7EF3438373132F1F2F4F8B3CDCDCDCEF1') D* D* CALL PGM(LOAD_KM) D* (LAST X'2040806789ABCDEFFEDC3434346432100123456789FEDCBA') D* D* CALL PGM(LOAD_KM) (SET) D* D* D* D* Use these commands to compile this program on the system: D* CRTRPGMOD MODULE(LOAD_KM) SRCFILE(SAMPLE) D* CRTPGM PGM(LOAD_KM) MODULE(LOAD_KM) D* BNDSRVPGM(QCCA/CSNBMKP) D* D* Note: Authority to the CSNBMKP service program in the D* QCCA library is assumed. D* D* The Common Cryptographic Architecture (CCA) verbs used are D* Master_Key_Process (CSNBMKP) D* D************************************************************** D*------------------------------------------------ D* Declare variables for CCA SAPI calls D*------------------------------------------------ D* ** Return code DRETURNCODE S 9B 0 D* ** Reason code DREASONCODE S 9B 0 D* ** Exit data length DEXITDATALEN S 9B 0 D* ** Exit data DEXITDATA S 4 D* ** Rule array count DRULEARRAYCNT S 9B 0 D* ** Rule array DRULEARRAY S 16 D* ** Option (Rule Array Keyword) DOPTION S 8 D* ** Master key part parameter on program DMASTERKEYPART S 24 D* ** Master key part parameter on CSNBMKP DKEYPART S 24 INZ(*ALLX'00') D* D********************************************************** D* Prototype for Master_Key_Process (CSNBMKP) D********************************************************** DCSNBMKP PR DRETCODE 9B 0 DRSNCODE 9B 0 DEXTDTALEN 9B 0 DEXTDTA 4 DRARRAYCT 9B 0 DRARRAY 16 DMSTRKEY 24 OPTIONS(*NOPASS) D* D*------------------------------------------------------------- D* ** Declares for sending messages to the D* ** job log using the QMHSNDPM API D*------------------------------------------------------------- DMSG S 75 DIM(2) CTDATA PERRCD(1) DMSGLENGTH S 9B 0 INZ(75) D DS DMSGTEXT 1 75 DFAILRETC 41 44 DFAILRSNC 46 49 DMESSAGEID S 7 INZ(' ') DMESSAGEFILE S 21 INZ(' ') DMSGKEY S 4 INZ(' ') DMSGTYPE S 10 INZ('*INFO ') DSTACKENTRY S 10 INZ('* ') DSTACKCOUNTER S 9B 0 INZ(2) DERRCODE DS DBYTESIN 1 4B 0 INZ(0) DBYTESOUT 5 8B 0 INZ(0) D* C************************************************************** C* START OF PROGRAM * C* * C *ENTRY PLIST C PARM OPTION C PARM MASTERKEYPART C* * C*------------------------------------------------------------* C* Set the keyword in the rule array * C*------------------------------------------------------------* C MOVEL OPTION RULEARRAY C Z-ADD 1 RULEARRAYCNT C* C*------------------------------------------------------------* C* Check for FIRST, MIDDLE, or LAST * C*------------------------------------------------------------* C OPTION IFEQ 'FIRST' C OPTION OREQ 'MIDDLE' C OPTION OREQ 'LAST' C* *------------------------* C* * Copy keypart parameter * C* *------------------------* C MOVEL MASTERKEYPART KEYPART C ENDIF C* C*----------------------------------------------* C* Call Master Key Process SAPI * C*----------------------------------------------* C CALLP CSNBMKP (RETURNCODE: C REASONCODE: C EXITDATALEN: C EXITDATA: C RULEARRAYCNT: C RULEARRAY: C KEYPART) C*-----------------------* C* Check the return code * C*-----------------------* C RETURNCODE IFGT 0 C* *----------------------* C* * Send error message * C* *----------------------* C MOVE MSG(1) MSGTEXT C MOVE RETURNCODE FAILRETC C MOVE REASONCODE FAILRSNC C EXSR SNDMSG C* C ELSE C* *----------------------* C* * Send success message * C* *----------------------* C MOVE MSG(2) MSGTEXT C EXSR SNDMSG C* C ENDIF C* C SETON LR C* C************************************************************** C* Subroutine to send a message C************************************************************** C SNDMSG BEGSR C CALL 'QMHSNDPM' C PARM MESSAGEID C PARM MESSAGEFILE C PARM MSGTEXT C PARM MSGLENGTH C PARM MSGTYPE C PARM STACKENTRY C PARM STACKCOUNTER C PARM MSGKEY C PARM ERRCODE C ENDSR C* ** CSNBMKP failed with return/reason codes 9999/9999 The request completed successfully