In this scenario, your company uses static network address translation (NAT) to map its private IP addresses to public addresses.
You own a company, and you decide to start a private network. However, you have never registered or acquired permission to use public IP addresses. When you access the Internet, you find that your company's address range is registered to someone else, so you think your current setup is obsolete. You need to allow public users access to your Web server. What should you do?
You can use static NAT. Static NAT assigns one original (private) address to one registered (public) address. Your iSeries™ server maps this registered address to your private address. The registered address allows your private address to communicate with the Internet. Essentially, it forms a bridge between the two networks. Communication can then be initiated from either network.
By using static NAT, you can keep all of your current internal IP addresses and still access the Internet. You need to have one registered IP address for each private address that accesses the Internet. For example, if you have 12 users, you need 12 public IP addresses to map to your 12 private addresses.
In this example, the NAT address,, sits unusable, like a shell, waiting for information to come back. When the information returns, NAT maps the address back to the personal computer. When static NAT is active, any inbound traffic destined directly to the address will never get to that interface because it is only representing your internal address. The real private address is the actual destination, even though (to the world outside the iSeries server) it appears that is the required IP address.
To use the Address Translation wizard, follow these steps:
The packet rules look like the following example:
After you finish creating these rules and any others you determine you need, you should verify them to ensure that they will activate without errors. After that, you can activate them.