Save file security

The authority you grant for a save file is the same as for any file. Be careful when granting authority for save files. The authority you grant to the save file allows access to objects in the save file. For example, the same file can be read from and written to by a high-level language program. The authority you grant for a particular save file should depend on what objects are in the file.

Consider the following factors when granting authorities to save files:

Digital signature for a save file

The system verifies any digital signatures present on the save file each time you display the save file or use the save file in a restore operation. If the signature is not valid you cannot display or use the save file in a restore operation. The Verify Object on Restore (QVFYOBJRST) system value does not affect the verification of save files. Therefore, the system verifies the signature every time you display the save file or use the save file in a restore operation.

Related information
Object signing and signature verification