Recommended procedure to eliminate save-outage time
This procedure outlines how you can use the save-while-active
function to eliminate save-outage time. You will not end the application jobs.
Start the save-while-active operation for the objects. You can
do this specifying (SAVACT(*SYNCLIB)) for libraries or (SAVACT(*SYNC)) for
directories on the save command.
When you receive the message CPI3712 (for SAVACT(*SYNCLIB)) or
CPI3710 (for SAVACT (*SYNC)), no additional lock conflicts for objects or
jobs with uncommitted transactions occur.
If checkpoint processing does not complete for the objects you
are saving, the message queue specified for the SAVACTMSGQ parameter receives
the message CPI3712 or message CPI3712 and the save operation
Objects with a lock conflict still allow checkpoint processing
to complete, and the save operation continues. However, the server does not
save objects with a lock conflict.
The save-while-active operation ends.
For every journaled object in the save-while-active request, save
each attached journal receiver that the save-while-active operation did not