Configure SNA for virtual OptiConnect

In IBM® networks, Systems Network Architecture (SNA) is the layered logical structure, formats, protocols, and operational sequences that are used for transmitting information units through networks. SNA also controls the configuration and operation of networks.

You can use SNA communications in a partitioned environment. SNA communication is limited to APPC using virtual OptiConnect. You can only communicate directly between two servers. In order to communicate with partitions that are not part of your server, you will have to access the server that has access to the network.

To establish an APPC connection from a primary partition to a secondary partition, follow these steps:

  1. At a command line, enter the command CRTCTLAPPC and press Enter.
  2. From the Create Controller Description (APPC) display, provide the following information:

    Controller description (Name)
    Link type (*OPC)
    Remote System Name (System name)
    Data link role (*pri)
    Text description

  3. At the command line, enter the command CRTDEVAPPC and press Enter.
  4. From the Create Device Description (APPC) display, provide the following information:

    Device description (Name)
    Option (*BASIC)
    Category of device (*APPC)
    Remote location (Provide the same system name found in the
             Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) display.)
    Online at IPL (*YES)
    Local location (Name)
    Remote network identifier (*None)
    Attached controller (Name)
    APPN-capable (*NO)

To establish an APPC connection from a secondary partition, following these steps:

  1. At a command line, enter the command CRTCTLAPPC and press Enter.
  2. From the Create Controller Description (APPC) display, provide the following information:

    Controller description (Name)
    Link type (*OPC)
    Remote System Name (System name)
    Data link role (*SEC)
    Text description

  3. At the command line, enter the command CRTDEVAPPC and press Enter.
  4. From the Create Device Description (APPC) display, provide the following information:

    Device description (Name)
    Option (*BASIC)
    Category of device (*APPC)
    Remote location (Name)
    Online at IPL (*YES)
    Local location (Name)
    Remote network identifier (*None)
    Attached controller (Name)
    APPN-capable (*NO)

Related concepts
Virtual OptiConnect