To send one or more local files to the remote system, use the MPUT FTP client subcommand. The client executes a separate PUT subcommand for each local file you want transferred. The Default Naming rules create the name of the corresponding remote file.
MPut { localfile [localfile...]}
For information as to how to specify the file if the remote system is an iSeries™, see NAMEFMT (Select File Naming Format). This example uses NAMEFMT 0:
This sends members MBR1 and MBR2 of file FILE1 in library MYLIB to the remote system.
This example uses NAMEFMT 1:
This sends document PCSMENU.EXE and document PCSMENU2.EXE from folder QIWSOS2 to the remote system.
You can use an asterisk (*) to send all the members in a file. For example, MPUT MYLIB/MYFILE. * transfers all the members of file MYFILE in library MYLIB.