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<meta name="DC.Title" content="Example: ILE C/400 program for exit point QIBM_QZDA_ROI1" />
<meta name="abstract" content="The following ILE C/400 program logs all requests for catalog functions to the ZDALOG file in QGPL. It can be used as a shell for developing exit programs tailored for your operating environment." />
<meta name="description" content="The following ILE C/400 program logs all requests for catalog functions to the ZDALOG file in QGPL. It can be used as a shell for developing exit programs tailored for your operating environment." />
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<title>Example: ILE C/400 program for exit point QIBM_QZDA_ROI1 </title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Example: ILE C/400 program for exit point QIBM_QZDA_ROI1 </h1>
<div><p>The following ILE C/400<sup>®</sup> program logs all  requests for catalog functions
to the ZDALOG file in QGPL. It can be used as a shell for developing exit
programs tailored for your operating environment.</p>
<div class="example"> <pre>/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *                @@ss1s@@ Servers - Sample Exit Program
 *    Exit Point Name         : QIBM_QZDA_ROI1
 *    Description             : The following ILE C/400 program logs all
 *                              requests for catalog functions to the
 *                              ZDALOG file in QGPL.
 *                              It can be used as a shell for developing
 *                              exit programs tailored for your
 *                              operating environment.
 *    Input                   : A 1-byte return code value
 *                                 X'F0' server rejects the request
 *                                 anything else server allows the request
 *                              Structure containing information about the
 *                                request.  The format used by this program
 *                                is ZDAR0100.
 *    Dependencies            : The log file must be created using the
 *                              following command:
 *                              CRTPF FILE(QGPL/ZDALOG) RCDLEN(132)
 *     Includes
#include &lt;recio.h&gt;                  /* record IO functions                */
#include &lt;string.h&gt;                 /* string functions                   */
 *    User Types
typedef struct {             /* Exit Point QIBM_QZDA_ROI1 format ZDAR0100 */
    char User_profile_name[10];     /* Name of user profile calling server*/
    char Server_identifier[10];     /* database server value (*RTVOBJINF) */
    char Exit_format_name[8];       /* User exit format name (ZDAR0100)   */
    long Requested_function;        /* function being preformed           */
    char Library_name[20];          /* Name of library                    */
    char Database_name[36];         /* Name of relational database        */
    char Package_name[20];          /* Name of package                    */
    char File_name[256];            /* Name of file                       */
    char Member_name[20];           /* Name of member                     */
    char Format_name[20];           /* Name of format                     */
} ZDAR0100_fmt_t;


 *    Start of mainline executable code
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    _RFILE *file_ptr;               /* pointer to log file                */
    char output_record[132];        /* output log file record             */
    ZDAR0100_fmt_t input;           /* input format record                */
    /* set return code to allow the request.                              */
    memcpy( argv[1], "1", 1);
    /* open the log file for writing to the end of the file               */
    if (( file_ptr = _Ropen("QGPL/ZDALOG", "ar") ) == NULL)
        /* open failed                                                    */
    /* copy input parm into structure                                     */
    memcpy(&amp;input, (ZDAR0100_fmt_t *)argv[2], 404);
    switch /* Create the output record based on requested function        */
        case 0X1800:  /* Retrieve library information                     */
              "%10.10s retrieved library %20.20s",
              input.User_profile_name, input.Library_name);
        case 0X1801:  /* Retrieve relational database information         */
              "%10.10s retrieved database %36.36s",
              input.User_profile_name, input.Database_name);
        case 0X1802:  /* Retrieve @@sqll@@ package information                 */
              "%10.10s retrieved library %20.20s package %20.20s",
              input.User_profile_name, input.Library_name,
        case 0X1803:  /* Retrieve @@sqll@@ package statement information       */
         "%10.10s retrieved library %20.20s package %20.20s statement info",
              input.User_profile_name, input.Library_name,

        case 0X1804:  /* Retrieve file information                        */
              "%10.10s retrieved library %20.20s file %40.40s",
              input.User_profile_name, input.Library_name, input.File_name);
        case 0X1805:  /* Retrieve file member information                 */
            "%10.10s retrieved library %20.20s member %20.20s file %40.40s",
              input.User_profile_name, input.Library_name,
              input.Member_name, input.File_name);
        case 0X1806:  /* Retrieve record format information               */
            "%10.10s retrieved library %20.20s format %20.20s file %40.40s",
              input.User_profile_name, input.Library_name,
              input.Format_name, input.File_name);
        case 0X1807:  /* Retrieve field information                       */
              "%10.10s retrieved field info library %20.20s file %40.40s",
              input.User_profile_name, input.Library_name, input.File_name);
        case 0X1808:  /* Retrieve index information                       */
              "%10.10s retrieved index info library %20.20s file %40.40s",
              input.User_profile_name, input.Library_name, input.File_name);
        case 0X180B:  /* Retrieve special column information              */
              "%10.10s retrieved column info library %20.20s file %40.40s",
              input.User_profile_name, input.Library_name, input.File_name);
        default : /* Unknown requested function                           */
            sprintf(output_record, "Unknown requested function");
    }  /* end switch statement                                            */
    /* write the output record to the file                                */
    _Rwrite(file_ptr, &amp;output_record, 132);
    /* close the log file                                                 */
    _Rclose ( file_ptr );
}  /* End of mainline executable code                                     */</pre>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzaiksampluserextpgm.htm" title="The following examples do not show all of the programming considerations or techniques. Review the examples before you begin application design and coding.">Examples: User exit programs</a></div>