In this example, a list object for a list of iSeries™ spool files is created. After setting the desired sort and filter criteria, the list is displayed to the user, with the user interface customized so that certain user actions are disabled.
When the user is finished viewing the list, the filter criteria are saved in the application profile and the program exits.
(O) cwbRC_StartSys Start an iSeries conversation (R) CWBSO_CreateListHandle Create a list of iSeries objects (O) CWBSO_SetListProfile Set name of application (O) CWBSO_ReadListProfile Load application preferences (O) CWBSO_SetListFilter Set list filter criteria (O) CWBSO_SetListSortFields Set list sort criteria (O) CWBSO_DisallowListFilter Do not allow user to change filter criteria (O) CWBSO_DisallowListActions Disallow selected list actions (O) CWBSO_SetListTitle Set title of list (R) CWBSO_CreateErrorHandle Create an error object (R) CWBSO_DisplayList Display the customized list (O) CWBSO_DisplayErrMsg Display error message if error occurred (O) CWBSO_WriteListProfile Save list filter criteria (R) CWBSO_DeleteErrorHandle Delete error object (R) CWBSO_DeleteListHandle Delete list (O) cwbRC_StopSys End iSeries conversation