Add a parameter to the program that is identified by the handle. This function should be called once for each parameter that is to be added to the program. When the program is called the parameters will be in the same order that they are added using this function.
unsigned int CWB_ENTRY cwbRC_AddParm( cwbRC_PgmHandle program, unsigned short type, unsigned long length, const unsigned char *parameter);
The following list shows common return values:
Parameter data is assumed to be binary. No conversion will be performed on the parameter data unless one of the conversion flags is set. For example:
cwbRC_AddParm( hPgm, CWBRC_INOUT | CWBRC_TEXT_CONVERT_OUTPUT, bufferSize, buffer );
will use the buffer as is to send to the host, and will convert the output (eg to ASCII) before putting the result into the buffer.