

Routine to calculate the growth factor of an individual control within a dialog box.


unsigned int CWB_ENTRY cwbNL_CalcControlGrowthXY(
                      HWND windowHandle,
                      HDC  hDC,
                      float* growthFactorX,
					            float* growthFactorY);


HWND windowHandle - input
Window handle of the control for which to calculate the growth factor.
HDC hDC - input
Device context. Used by GetTextExtentPoint32 to determine extent needed for the translated string in the control.
float* growthFactorX - output
+/- growth to the width needed to contain the string for the control.
float* growthFactorY - output
+/- growth to the height needed to contain the string for the control.

Return Codes

The following list shows common return values.

Successful Completion


It is assumed that the translated text has been loaded into the control prior to calling this function. A control that does not contain text will return a 1.00 growth factor. This means that it does not need to change size.