

This function verifies the correctness of the user ID and password passed in, on the iSeries™ system that the specified system object represents. If the user ID and password are correct, it also retrieves data related to signon attempts and password expiration.

Note: Passing an incorrect password on the cwbCO_VerifyUserIDPassword API increments the invalid signon attempts counter for the specified user. The user profile is disabled if sufficient invalid passwords are sent to the host.


UINT CWB_ENTRY cwbCO_VerifyUserIDPassword(
                             cwbCO_SysHandle       system,
                             LPCSTR                userID,
                             LPCSTR                password,
                             cwbSV_ErrHandle       errorHandle );


cwbCO_SysHandle system - input
Handle that previously was returned from cwbCO_CreateSystem or cwbCO_CreateSystemLike. It identifies the iSeries system.
LPCSTR userID - input
Pointer to a buffer that contains the NULL-terminated user ID, which must not exceed CWBCO_MAX_USER_ID characters in length, not including the terminating NULL.
LPCSTR password - input
A pointer to a buffer that contains the NULL-terminated password. The maximum length is CWBCO_MAX_PASSWORD + 1 bytes in length, including the NULL terminator.
cwbSV_ErrHandle errorHandle - input/output
Any returned messages will be written to this object. It is created with the cwbSV_CreateErrHandle API. The messages may be retrieved through the cwbSV_GetErrText API. If the parameter is set to zero, or if the errorHandle is invalid, no messages will be retrieved.

Return Codes

The following list shows common return values:

Successful completion.
Invalid system handle.
A pointer supplied to the API is not valid.
The supplied user ID is not known to this system.
Password is not correct.
Password has expired.
The user ID has been disabled.
One or more characters in the password is invalid or the password is too long.
One or more characters in the user ID is invalid or the user ID is too long.
Insufficient memory; may have failed to allocate a temporary buffer.
General API failure.


Valid password lengths depend on the current setting of the iSeries system password level. Password levels 0 and 1 allow passwords up to 10 characters in length. Password levels 2 and 3 allow passwords up to 128 characters in length.

See Differences between cwbCO_Signon and cwbCO_VerifyUserIDPassword and Similarities between cwbCO_Signon and cwbCO_VerifyUserIDPassword.