Create a new system object that is similar to a given system object. You may either provide a specific system name for the new system object, or specify NULL to use the given system object's name. All attributes of the given system object are copied into the new one, with the following exceptions:
See System object attributes list for a list of system object attributes.
UINT CWB_ENTRY cwbCO_CreateSystemLike( cwbCO_SysHandle systemToCopy, LPCSTR systemName cwbCO_SysHandle *system);
The following list shows common return values.
When you are done using the new system object, you must call cwbCO_DeleteSystem to free resources that the system object is using.
The state of the new system object might not be the same as that of the given system object, since user ID and password validation has not been performed yet for the new one. Also, the new system object has no connections associated with it, whereas the given system object may. Because of this, even though you might not be able to change attributes of the given system object because of its state, you might be able to change the attributes of the new system object because of its possibly different state.