Connection string keywords - Diagnostic properties

Use these iSeries™ Access ODBC driver connection string keywords to change Diagnostic properties of the ODBC connection.

The following table lists connection string keywords for Diagnostic properties that are recognized by the iSeries Access ODBC driver:

Table 1. iSeries Access ODBC connection string keywords for Diagnostic properties
Keyword Description Choices Default
MAXTRACESIZE Specifies the maximum trace size (in MB) of the internal driver trace. Specifying a value of 0 means no limit. This property has no effect unless the TRACE property has option 1 set. 0 (no limit) - 1000 0
MULTTRACEFILES or MultipleTraceFiles Specifies whether or not trace data from the internal driver trace will be put into multiple files. A new file will be created for each thread that the application is using. This property has no effect unless the TRACE property has option 1 set. 0 = Trace data into a single file

1 = Trace data into multiple files

QAQQINILIB or QAQQINILibrary Specifies a query options file library. When a query options file library is specified the driver will issue the command CHGQRYA passing the library name for the QRYOPTLIB parameter. The command is issued immediately after the connection is established. This option should only be used when debugging problems or when recommended by support as enabling it will adversely affect performance. Query options file library none
SQDIAGCODE Specifies DB2® UDB SQL diagnostic options to be set. Use only as directed by your technical support provider. DB2 UDB SQL diagnostic options none
TRACE Specifies one or more trace options. To specify multiple trace options add together the values for the options that you want. For example, if you want the Database Monitor and Start Debug command to be activated on the server then the value you would want to specify is 6. These options should only be used when debugging problems or when recommended by support as they will adversely affect performance. To determine the value for this keyword, add the values below that are associated with each option that you want.

0 = No tracing

1 = Enable internal driver tracing

2 = Enable Database Monitor

4 = Enable the Start Debug (STRDBG) command

8 = Print job log at disconnect

16 = Enable job trace

32 = Enable database host server trace

TRACEFILENAME Specifies the full path name to either the file or the directory in which to put the internal driver trace data into. A path name to the file should be specified if MULTTRACEFILES is set to 0. A path name to a directory should be specified if MULTTRACEFILES is set to 1. This property has no effect unless the TRACE property has option 1 set. Full path name to file or directory none