iSeries Access for Windows: Database programming

iSeries™ Access for Windows® provides multiple programming interfaces for accessing database files on the iSeries server.

Some of the common interfaces allow you to write a single application to access both the iSeries database and non-iSeries databases. In addition, a proprietary C API interface is supported to expose the unique strengths of DB2® for iSeries. You can also use both Structured Query Language (SQL) to access DB2 Universal Database™ (UDB) for iSeries database files and stored procedures and use record-level access interfaces for access to single records within a file.

The following are the iSeries Access for Windows interfaces that are supported:

IBM® Toolbox for Java™ JDBC Driver Allows Java programs to access iSeries database files using standard JDBC interfaces.

The DB2 UDB for iSeries SQL Programming book contains detailed information.
How to access the book:
Follow these steps to view a hypertext markup language (HTML) online version of the DB2 UDB for iSeries SQL Programming book, and to print a PDF version:
  1. Link to the DB2 Universal Database™ for iSeries SQL Reference topic in the iSeries Information Center
  2. Select SQL Programming
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