Identify the version and release of the server that is supported by iSeries™ Access for Windows® in V5R4.
iSeries Access for Windows V5R4M0 (5722-XE1) only installs on servers with i5/OS™ V5R3 or later. If you are installing on a server that does not meet this criteria, you need to follow the Install, update, or delete i5/OS and related software instructions before you install 5722-XE1.
Also, you might need to upgrade other servers to which your PC connects, after iSeries Access for Windows has been installed on your PC. IBM® only supports PC connections to servers with i5/OS V5R2 and later. If these servers do not meet this criteria, you need to upgrade the i5/OS on these servers to a supported release by following the Install, update, or delete i5/OS and related software instructions.
In order to install on the iSeries server, you need a security level of Security Officer (*SECOFR). This is the highest level of security on the iSeries server. This security level is required for installation only, not for regular use of iSeries Access for Windows.