Since the installation files do not all reside in the same directory, the iSeries™ Access for Windows® installation program uses a built-in path discovery function. Path discovery navigates back through the source directory until it reaches the ProdData directory. It searches through all of the subdirectories for the various installation files. You should map your drive to the iSeries server QIBM share point (\\NetServerName\QIBM) so that the various directory paths are available to the path discovery function. This will make all installable components available to the install program. However, even if you do not have all of these directories in your directory path, you can still install most iSeries Access for Windows components.
Path discovery searches the following directories:
Function | Location |
iSeries Access for Windows components | \ProdData\Access\Windows\Install\Image |
Secondary languages | \ProdData\Access\Windows\Mri29xx |
iSeries Access for Windows plug-ins | Location |
IBM® plug-ins | \ProdData\OpNavPlugin |
Third party plug-ins | \UserData\OpNavPlugin |