Resilient resources

Resilient resources are system resources, such as data, devices and applications, that are highly available if you have used clustering on your systems.

If a cluster node that is the primary access point for a particular set of resilient resources in the cluster should incur an outage, another cluster node that is defined as the backup for that set of resources now becomes the access point.

The types of system resources that can be resilient are:

  1. Data being replicated between nodes.
  2. Applications using an IP address, which can be switched from one node to another.
  3. Hardware devices which can be switched from one node to another.
  4. Start of changePeer resources that are supported by a cluster administrative domain.End of change

The definition of the relationship between the nodes that are associated with a set of resilient resources is found in the cluster resource group (CRG) object. Cluster resource groups are replicated and coordinated across the nodes in the cluster through cluster resource services.

Related concepts
Cluster resource group
Cluster administrative domain