This topic provides information about HTTP Server APIs for CGI applications, configuration APIs, server instance APIs, group APIs, and triggered cache manager APIs.
HTTP Server supports the APIs listed below in C++, REXX, ILE C, ILE COBOL, and ILE RPG programming languages. Although all APIs are supported in all of these languages, most ILE C CGI applications will only need to use QtmhCvtDB, QzhbCgiParse, or QzhbCgiUtils. This is because ANSI C can work with stdin, stdout, and environment variables directly. ILE C CGI applications use ANSI C function calls to work with stdin, stdout, environment variables, and string functions for parsing stdin and environment variable data.
To use these APIs in a CGI application, you must bind the CGI program to *SRVPGM QZHBCGI in library QHTTPSVR. ILE C programs must include header file QSYSINC/H(QZHBCGI). CGI application programs must be written and compiled in Integrated Language Environment® ILE C, ILE RPG, and ILE COBOL.
The configuration APIs are in *SRVPGM QZHBCONF in library QHTTPSVR. ILE C programs must include header file QHTTPSVR/H(QZHBCONF). While each individual API lists its own authorities, the following authorities are needed to run all configuration APIs:
The server instance APIs are in *SRVPGM QZHBCONF in library QHTTPSVR. ILE C programs must include header file QHTTPSVR/H(QZHBCONF). While each individual API lists its own authorities, the following authorities are needed to run all server instance APIs:
The group file APIs are in *SRVPGM QZHBCONF in library QHTTPSVR. ILE C programs must include header file QHTTPSVR/H(QZHBCONF).
The trigger cache manager server operation APIs may be used to start and stop trigger cache manager servers. The APIs are callable service implemented as an ILE entry point within the QZHTINOPS *SVRPGM in the QTCM *LIB. The QTCM/H(QZHTINCONF) header file includes ILE C prototypes for these APIs.
The trigger cache manager basic configuration APIs are a callable service implemented as an ILE entry point within the QZHTINCONF *SRVPGM in the QTCM *LIB. The QTCM/H(QZHTINCONF) header file includes ILE C prototypes for these APIs.
The trigger cache manager trigger handler configuration APIs are a callable service implemented as an ILE entry point within the QZHTINCONF *SRVPGM in the QTCM *LIB. The QTCM/H(QZHTINCONF) header file includes ILE C prototypes for these APIs.
The trigger cache manger data source configuration APIs are a callable service implemented as an ILE entry point within the QZHTINCONF *SRVPGM in the QTCM *LIB. The QTCM/H(QZHTINCONF) header file includes ILE C prototypes for these APIs.
The trigger cache manager cache target configuration APIs are a callable service implemented as an ILE entry point within the QZHTINCONF *SRVPGM in the QTCM *LIB. The QTCM/H(QZHTINCONF) header file includes ILE C prototypes for these APIs.
The triggered cache manager acknowledgement target configuration APIs are a callable service implemented as an ILE entry point within the QZHTINCONF *SRVPGM in the QTCM *LIB. The QTCM/H(QZHTINCONF) header file includes ILE C prototypes for these APIs.
The triggered cache manager host configuration APIs are a callable service implemented as an ILE entry point within the QZHTINCONF *SRVPGM in the QTCM *LIB. The QTCM/H(QZHTINCONF) header file includes ILE C prototypes for these APIs.
The QTCM/H(QZHTINCONF) header file includes ILE C prototypes for these API.
The triggered cache manager rule set configuration APIs are a callable service implemented as an ILE entry point within the QZHTINCONF *SRVPGM in the QTCM *LIB. The QTCM/H(QZHTINCONF) header file includes ILE C prototypes for these APIs.
The triggered cache manger publishing rule configuration APIs are a callable service implemented as an ILE entry point within QZHTINCONF *SRVPGM in QTCM *LIB. The QTCM/H(QZHTINCONF) header file includes ILE C prototypes for these APIs.