This topic provides information about how to secure your administration
server configuration with Secure Socket Layers with the IBM® Web Administration for i5/OS™ interface.
Important: Information
for this topic supports the latest PTF levels for HTTP Server for i5/OS .
It is recommended that you install the latest PTFs to upgrade to the latest
level of the HTTP Server for i5/OS. Some of the topics documented here are
not available prior to this update. See 
for more information.
You can SSL enable the ADMIN server by doing the following:
- Make sure that you have the following product and product option
- Digital Certificate Manager Option 34 of 5722-SS1
- To complete this task you must supply a digital certificate. For more
information on how to obtain a digital certificate, see Digital
certificate management.
- Make sure you have proper authority to the directories and file. See User profiles and required authorities for HTTP Server for more information.
- Make sure that the ADMIN server is running.
- Click the Manage tab.
- Click the All HTTP Servers subtab.
- Select ADMIN from the Server list.
- Select Include /QIBM/UserData/HTTPA/admin/conf/admin-cust.conf from
the Server area list.
- Expand Tools.
- Select Edit Configuration File.
Note: The following changes must
be made using the Edit Configuration File tool. Use of other editing
tools may result in errors.
- Enter the following information into the configuration file or remove
the "#" symbol to uncomment these lines:
Listen 2001
Listen 2010
SetEnv HTTPS_PORT 2010
<VirtualHost *:2010>
- Click OK.
- Select Virtual Host *:2010 from the Server area list.
- Expand Server properties, and select Security.
- Click OK.
- Click the Related Links tab.
- Click Digital Certificate Manager.
- Click Select a Certificate Store.
- Select *SYSTEM.
- Click Continue.
- Enter a password in the Certificate store password field.
- Click Continue.
- Click Manage Applications.
- Select Update certificate assignment.
- Click Continue.
- Select Server.
- Click Continue.
- Select QIBM_HTTP_SERVER_ADMIN application name.
- Click Update Certificate Assignment.
- Select the appropriate certificate.
- Click Assign New Certificate to assign the certificate to the application
name selected in the previous step.
- Restart the ADMIN server.
- Restart your Web browser.
To use the ADMIN server, type http://[iSeries_hostname]:2001 for
a non-secure connection or https://[iSeries_hostname]:2010 for a secure
Note: If you have trouble getting the secure connection working, check the
ADMIN error log file located in the (\QIBM\UserData\HTTPA\admin\logs\ directory
for information.