Optional: Prepare the target system for virtual images

Start of changeTo prepare the target system for virtual images, complete these tasks.End of change

  1. Create a virtual optical device

    CRTDEVOPT DEVD(virtual-device-name) RSRCNAME(*VRT) ONLINE(*YES) TEXT(text-description)

  2. Vary on the virtual optical device

    VRYCFG CFGOBJ(virtual-device-name) CFGTYPE(*DEV) STATUS(*ON)

  3. Depending on how you distributed the virtual images, do either of the following tasks:
    • If you distributed the virtual images from the central system using FTP, complete the following tasks. These tasks assume that the images are located in directory specified on the Create Image Catalog command in step 3.a.
      1. Create the image catalog

        CRTIMGCLG IMGCLG(image-catalog-name) DIR(directory-name) TEXT(text-description)

      2. Add the image catalog entries for each image

        ADDIMGCLGE IMGCLG(image-catalog-name) FROMFILE(image-file-name) TOFILE(*FROMFILE) IMGCLGIDX(*AVAIL)

        Note: To prevent the system from generating a new name for the catalog entry, specify the exact name of the file (without the path) on the FROMFILE parameter.
    • If you saved your image catalog and image files to physical media, enter the following on the target system to restore the image catalog from tape:
      RSTOBJ OBJ(image-catalog-name) SAVLIB(QUSRSYS) OBJTYPE(*IMGCLG) DEV(device name)

      Enter the following on the target system to restore the directory from tape:

      RST DEV('/QSYS.LIB/device-name.DEVD') OBJ(('/directory-name'))
  4. Load the image catalog

    This step associates the virtual optical device to the image catalog. Only one image catalog at a time can be associated with a specific virtual optical device.

    LODIMGCLG IMGCLG(catalog-name) DEV(virtual-device-name) OPTION(*LOAD)

  5. Verify that the images are in the correct order

    Enter either of the following commands:

    • WRKIMGCLGE IMGCLG(catalog-name)

      Then press PF7 to prompt for the VFYIMGCLG command. Enter *UPGRADE for the type and *YES for the sort field.

      The server puts the images in the correct order. By default, the volume with the lowest index is mounted; all the other volumes are loaded. To see the order of the images, use the Work with Image Catalog Entries (WRKIMGCLGE) command:


Start of changeNext topic: Either continue with the steps in Installation tasks for the target systems or complete the final tasks in the Checklist: Install central site distribution media on the target system.End of change