Migration considerations

Directory Server is automatically installed when you install i5/OS. The first time the server is started, it automatically migrates any existing configuration and data. This can cause a long delay before the server is started the first time.

Migration of the configuration and schema files is done during install and the first server startup. Once this first server startup is completed, if the configuration and schema files in /qibm/userdata/os400/dirsrv are restored from a backup of a previous release, the schema and configuration for the new release will be overlaid with the previous release's files which will not be migrated again. Restoring a previous release's schema and configuration after migration has occurred may cause your server not to start as well as other unpredictable errors. If a backup of the server configuration and schema are desired, this data should be saved after the server has been successfully started.

If you have a Directory Server running under V5R3 or V5R21, see Migrate to V5R4 from V5R3 or V5R2.

If you have a Directory Server running under V4R4, V4R5, or V5R1, you can migrate your data to V5R4. For more information, see Migrate data from V4R4 ,V4R5, or V5R1 to V5R4.

If you have a network of replicating servers, see Migrating a network of replicating servers for more information.

If you are using Kerberos, see Kerberos service name change.