Copy the schema to other servers

To copy a schema to other servers, do the following:

  1. Use the ldapsearch utility to copy the schema into a file:
    ldapsearch -b cn=schema -L "(objectclass=*)" > schema.ldif
  2. The schema file will include all objectclasses and attributes. Edit the LDIF file to include only the schema elements you want, or, you might be able to filter the ldapsearch output using a tool like grep. Be sure to put attributes before the objectclasses that reference them. For example, you might end up with the following file (note that each continued line has a single space at the end, and the continuation line has at least one space at the beginning of the line).
    attributetypes: ( myattr1-oid NAME 'myattr1' DESC 'Some piece of
      information.' SYNTAX EQUALITY
      USAGE userApplications )
    IBMAttributetypes: ( myattr1-oid DBNAME( 'myattr1'  'myattr1' )
      ACCESS-CLASS normal LENGTH 500 )
    attributetypes: ( myattr2-oid NAME 'myattr2' DESC 'Some piece of
      information.' SYNTAX EQUALITY
      USAGE userApplications )
    IBMAttributetypes: ( myattr2-oid DBNAME( 'myattr2'  'myattr2' )
      ACCESS-CLASS normal LENGTH 500 )
    objectclasses: ( myobject-oid NAME 'myobject' DESC 'Represents
      something.' SUP 'top' STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn ) MAY ( myattr1 $ myattr2 ) )
  3. Insert lines before each objectclasses or attributetype line to construct LDIF directives to add these values to the entry cn=schema. Each object class and attribute must be added as an individual modification.
    dn: cn=schema
    changetype: modify
    add: attributetypes ibmattributetypes
    attributetypes: ( myattr1-oid NAME 'myattr1' DESC 'Some piece of
      information.' SYNTAX EQUALITY
      USAGE userApplications )
    IBMAttributetypes: ( myattr1-oid DBNAME( 'myattr1'  'myattr1' )
      ACCESS-CLASS normal LENGTH 500 )
    dn: cn=schema
    changetype: modify
    add: attributetypes ibmattributetypes
    attributetypes: ( myattr2-oid NAME 'myattr2' DESC 'Some piece of
      information.' SYNTAX EQUALITY
      USAGE userApplications )
    IBMAttributetypes: ( myattr2-oid DBNAME( 'myattr2'  'myattr2' )
      ACCESS-CLASS normal LENGTH 500 )
    dn: cn=schema
    changetype: modify
    add: objectclasses
    objectclasses: ( myobject-oid NAME 'myobject' DESC 'Represents
      something.' SUP 'top' STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn ) MAY ( myattr1 $ myattr2 ) )
  4. Load that schema on other servers using the ldapmodify utility:
    ldapmodify -D cn=administrator -w <password> -f schema.ldif