The access control attribute syntax

Each of these attributes can be managed using LDIF notation. The syntax for the new filter-based ACL attributes are modified versions of the current non-filter-based ACL attributes. The following defines the syntax for the ACI and entryOwner attributes using baccus naur form (BNF).

 <aclEntry> ::=  <subject> [ ":"  <rights> ]

 <aclPropagate> ::=  "true" | "false" 
 <ibm-filterAclEntry> ::=  <subject>  ":" <object filter>  [ ":"  <rights> ]

 <ibm-filterAclInherit> ::=  "true" | "false"
 <entryOwner> ::=  <subject>

 <ownerPropagate> ::= "true" | "false"

 <subject> ::= <subjectDnType> ':' <subjectDn> |

 <subjectDnType> ::= "role" | "group" | "access-id"

 <subjectDn> ::= <DN>

 <DN> ::= distinguished name as described in RFC 2251, section 4.1.3.

 <pseudoDn> ::= "group:cn=anybody" | "group:cn=authenticated" |
 <object filter> ::= string search filter as defined in RFC 2254, section 4
                                 (extensible matching is not supported).
 <rights> ::= <accessList> [":" <rights> ]

 <accessList> ::=  <objectAccess> | <attributeAccess> |

 <objectAccess> ::= "object:" [<action> ":"]  <objectPermissions>

 <action> ::= "grant" | "deny"

 <objectPermisssions> ::=  <objectPermission> [ <objectPermissions> ]

 <objectPermission> ::= "a" | "d" |  ""

 <attributeAccess> ::= "at." <attributeName> ":" [<action> ":"]

 <attributeName> ::= attributeType name as described in RFC 2251, section 4.1.4.
                        (OID or alpha-numeric string with leading
                         alphabet, "-" and ";" allowed)

 <attributePermissions> ::=  <attributePermission>

 <attributePermission> ::=  "r" | "w" | "s" | "c" |  ""

 <attributeClassAccess> ::= <class> ":" [<action> ":"]

 <class> ::= "normal" | "sensitive" | "critical" | "system" | "restricted"