Job Interval Report - Interactive Job Detail

The Interactive job detail section of the Job interval report displays detailed information by interval and job.

One line is printed for each selected interactive job that existed during each selected interval (generally more than one line per interval).


                                                         Job Interval Report                                      10/02/03 20:11:21
                                                       Interactive Job Detail                                              Page   8
                                               Perf data from 14:00 to 16:00 at 1 min
Member  . . . : Q275140000 Model/Serial  . : 890/10-3907F        
Main storage  . . : 56.4 GB   Started . . . : 10/02/03 14:00:00
  Library . . : PTLIBV5R3  System name . . : ABSYSTEM            
Version/Release . :   5/3.0   Stopped . . . : 10/02/03 16:00:00
Partition ID  : 003        Feature Code  . : 7427-2498-7427
                                                  P                      -------- Physical I/O Per Transaction --------       SYNC
 Itv     Job     User Name/ Job    Current        t  TNS  Rsp     CPU    ---- Synchronous -----  ---- Asynchronous ---- CPU   I/O
 End     Name    Thread     Number User       PL  y  /HR  /Tns    /Tns    DBR   DBW  NDBR  NDBW   DBR   DBW  NDBR  NDBW Util  /Sec
----- ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- -- -- ---- ------ -------  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ---- ----- ------
14:00 QPADEV002W FRY        955881 FRY         3 20    0    .00   .0000    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    1.0
14:00 QPADEV006S CHEVURU    955956 CHEVURU     3 20  300    .01   .0040    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0     .0
14:01 QPADEV002W FRY        955881 FRY         3 20    0    .00   .0000    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0     .0
14:02 QPADEV002W FRY        955881 FRY         3 20    0    .00   .0000    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0     .4
14:03 QPADEV001P PST        955783 PST         3 01  180    .06   .0600    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0     .0
14:03 QPADEV002W FRY        955881 FRY         3 20 1260 106.43   .0370   1.0   4.0   7.6   7.3    .2   8.4    .3   6.1    .3   12.0
14:03 QPADEV0031 FRY        956238 FRY         3 20  300   1.21   .0030    .0    .0    .2   7.0    .0    .0    .0   3.8    .0     .9
14:04 QPADEV002W FRY        955881 FRY         3 20  122    .00  3.1060 155.5   5.0 999.9 108.0  13.0  14.0    .0  29.0   2.6   44.6
14:04 QPADEV0031 FRY        956238 FRY         3 20  427    .56   .0080    .0    .0   4.4   6.0    .0    .0    .0  15.1    .0    3.0
14:05 QPADEV002W FRY        955881 QNOTES      3 20    0    .00   .0000    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0   2.2   36.9
14:04 QPADEV0031 FRY        956238 FRY         3 20    0    .00   .0000    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    3.6
14:05 QPADEV004B V2KEA524   956014 V2KEA524    3 20   60    .23   .0910    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0     .0
14:06 QPADEV002W FRY        955881 QNOTES      3 20    0    .00   .0000    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0   1.6   28.6
14:07 QPADEV002W FRY        955881 QNOTES      3 20    0    .00   .0000    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0   2.3   33.1
14:08 QPADEV002W FRY        955881 QNOTES      3 20    0    .00   .0000    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0    .0   1.9   24.6
Itv End                 -- Interval end time (hour and minute)
Job Name                -- Job name
User Name/Thread        -- User name or secondary thread identifier
Job Number              -- Job number
Current User            -- User name under which the job was running at the end of the interval
PL                      -- Pool in which the job ran
Pty                     -- Priority of the job
TNS/HR                  -- Average number of transactions per hour
Rsp/Tns                 -- Average response time (seconds)
CPU/Tns                 -- Average number of CPU seconds per transaction
Physical I/O per Trans  -- Average physical disk I/O per transaction
    Synchronous DBR     -- Average synchronous data base reads per transaction
    Synchronous DBW     -- Average synchronous data base writes per transaction
    Synchronous NDBR    -- Average synchronous non-data base reads per transaction
    Synchronous NDBW    -- Average synchronous non-data base writes per transaction
    Asynchronous DBR    -- Average asynchronous data base reads per transaction
    Asynchronous DBW    -- Average asynchronous data base writes per transaction
    Asynchronous NDBR   -- Average asynchronous non-data base reads per transaction
    Asynchronous NDBW   -- Average asynchronous non-data base writes per transaction
CPU Util                -- Percentage of available CPU time used.  This is the average of all processors
Sync I/O /Sec           -- Average number of synchronous disk I/O operations per second